Centier Bank Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Centier Bank cares about its associates, clients and the communities that we serve. The leadership of the bank values and respects a diverse culture and embraces diversity in order to make us a better bank, better employer and better provider of service to our clients. We believe that promoting diversity is a strong component in maintaining our mission to the community.
We are committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity and inclusion for our associates, vendors and clients. To the extent of our abilities, the Bank is committed to maintaining an impartial environment.
Recognizing and valuing diversity strengthens our ability to attract, retain and engage associates and reinforces our relationship within our communities. Our associates are the most valuable asset we have. The collective sum of the individual differences, life experiences, knowledge and talent that our associates invest in their work represents a significant part of not only our culture, but our reputation and company’s achievement as well.
We embrace and encourage our associate’s differences in race, color, religion, gender, national origin, veteran status, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, genetic information and other characteristics that make our associates unique.
Centier undertakes positive measures to implement affirmative action which includes but is not limited to the search for qualified and/or trainable associates among minorities and women.

Frequently Asked Questions
Centier provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type without regard to:
- Race
- Color
- Religion
- National Origin
- Sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions, sexual orientation, or gender identity)
- Age (40 and older)
- Disability Status
- Veteran status
- Genetic information (including employer requests for, or purchase, use, or disclosure of genetic tests, genetic services, or family medical history)
- Retaliation for filing a charge, reasonably opposing discrimination, or participating in a discrimination lawsuit, investigation or proceeding.
- Interference, coercion, or threats related to exercising rights regarding disability discrimination or pregnancy accommodation
- Any other protected classification under federal, state, or local laws
This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including:
- Discharge, firing, or lay-off
- Harassment (including unwelcome verbal or physical conduct)
- Hiring or promotion
- Assignment
- Pay (unequal wages or compensation)
- Failure to provide reasonable accommodation for a disability; pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition; or a sincerely-held religious belief, observance or practice
- Benefits
- Job training
- Classification
- Referral
- Obtaining or disclosing genetic information of employees
- Requesting or disclosing medical information of employees
- Conduct that might reasonably discourage someone from opposing discrimination, filing a charge, or participating in an investigation or proceeding.
- Conduct that coerces, intimidates, threatens, or interferes with someone exercising their rights, or someone assisting or encouraging someone else to exercise rights, regarding disability discrimination(including accommodation)or pregnancy accommodation
While overall authority for implementing Equal Employment Opportunity within Centier Bank is assigned to the Human Resources Department, an effective Equal Employment Opportunity program cannot be achieved without the support of supervisory personnel and associates at all levels. Any associate who witnesses a form of discrimination or feels that he/she has been the subject of discrimination, has a responsibility to report this fact to his/her supervisor and/or the Human Resources Department. Associates may also report discrimination through the following anonymous reporting mechanism: www.EthicsPoint.com or 866-294-4649 (toll free).
To promote consistency, the Interagency Policy Statement Establishing Joint Standards for Assessing the Diversity Policies and Practices of Entities Regulated by the Agencies was developed. For purposes of this Policy Statement, the Agencies define "diversity" to refer to minorities (Black Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans) and women.
Additionally, in this Policy Statement, the Agencies define "inclusion" to mean a process to create and maintain a positive work environment that values individual similarities and differences, so that all can reach their potential and maximize their contributions to an organization. Centier Bank may use the standards in this Policy Statement to assess policies and practices that impact the inclusion of minorities and women in the Bank’s workforce. Centier Bank will complete the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s voluntary Diversity Self- Assessment on an annual basis.
The Bank periodically informs its board members and staff on related policies and practices. Our website includes this Diversity Policy so that our community, vendors, potential associates, and others are aware of it.
Centier is committed to the diverse communities in which we live and serve. Being a strong financial partner and good corporate citizen is core to who we are. We believe that building a stronger community helps build a better bank and with the Bank’s annual donations, sponsorships, volunteerism and public relations efforts, we strive to improve the lives and wellbeing of the communities we serve. We support diversity in the way we conduct business through associate enrichment, supplier initiatives and community activities.
It is important that our partners see that our actions and words are aligned. We strive to ensure doors are open and opportunities are available for people of all backgrounds. Centier Bank views our vendors as vital partners in our ability to assure high quality products and services to clients.
Centier Bank is committed to the development and support of a diverse supplier base. We encourage the use of qualified minority-owned and women-owned businesses. Our primary objective is to identify the most qualified suppliers capable of meeting our price, quality, delivery, attention to detail, and future relationship requirements.
Through Supplier Diversity at Centier Bank we enlarge our pool of innovative ideas and high quality goods and services, while providing economic development opportunities for diverse businesses, which can include, but are not limited to, minority-owned and women-owned businesses. It is the objective of Centier Bank to encourage the development of mutually beneficial relationships with qualified minority-owned and women-owned businesses.
When possible, Centier Bank is committed to providing procurement opportunities with minority-owned and women-owned businesses. Associates involved in the selection, evaluation, or approval of vendors and service providers share the responsibility for the practices stated in this Policy.
Centier Bank believes in providing equal opportunity for employment, promotions, recognition, compensation and all other opportunities to all persons.
We support a diverse and inclusive work environment where associates are respected, treated fairly and given opportunities to perform to their fullest potential. This culture builds productivity, innovation, teamwork, and leads to associate retention.
The Bank is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination. In keeping with this commitment, the company prohibits any unlawful discrimination. This policy applies to all associates. Our Equal Employment Opportunity Statement is provided within this policy.
Our diversity initiatives are applicable, but not limited to: our practices and policies on recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits, professional development and training, promotions, transfers, social and recreational programs, layoffs, terminations, and the ongoing development of a work environment built on the premise of diversity equity that encourages and enforces:
Respectful communication and cooperation between associates.
Teamwork and associate participation, permitting the representation of all groups and associate perspectives.
Work/life balance to accommodate associate’s varying needs.
Employer and associate contributions to the communities we serve to promote a greater understanding and respect for diversity.
An open door atmosphere that invites and encourages any concerns or allegations of discrimination to be brought to management’s attention without the fear of retaliation.
All associates have a responsibly to treat others with dignity and respect at all times. All associates are expected to exhibit conduct that reflects inclusion during work, at work functions on or off the work site, and at all other company sponsored and participative events. Our Essentials of Excellence guide us in how we treat others and conduct our business.
All associates are also required to complete annual diversity training to enhance their knowledge to fulfill this responsibility. Any associate found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be subject to disciplinary action.
Associates who believe they have been subjected to any kind of discrimination should consult our anti-harassment policy or our Equal Opportunity Statement, which is part of this document, on their options on how to report the incident.