Do you want to get your brand in front of an eager and engaged audience? Instagram may be your best bet when it comes to social media. With over 2 billion monthly active users (143 million of those in the U.S.)[1], a popular post can build a buzz in ways traditional media just can’t.
You don’t have to go viral to see benefits from this small business marketing technique. The social media channel is being used by small businesses everywhere to build meaningful relationships with their ideal client. Below are some post ideas for your small business.
Show Off Your Products to Enhance Brand Identity
While you shouldn't make your Instagram (IG) all about
you, people expect brands to share what they offer on social media. Showing pictures and videos
of your offerings is one of the simplest types of branded content and enhances brand identity. Just be sure
to make it aesthetically pleasing. Use consistent color and theme choices, but
don’t make your photos look too polished. While beautiful photography is a
staple of IG, you don’t have to make each post look like a magazine. Have some
fun with it, too.
Repost User-Generated Content About your Company
Client testimonials and reviews are some of the most trusted brand content available. Why not have your clients share what they love on your social media feed? You let your fans do the talking by getting permission to reshare user-generated content (UGC) on your Instagram page. Whether you reshare to your Stories or ask for the rights to upload their photos directly, make sure your followers know it’s a client who created the content. Not only is this the right thing to do, but giving credit shows you have a genuine connection with your clients.
This is especially successful for trends and dedicated fanbases. Making it geographically relevant, such as asking all Indianapolis users to participate, can make UGC requests more effective.
Make Video Tutorials
You may think your product is easy to understand and use, but will your client? Demonstrate the best ways to get the
most out of your offerings with tutorial videos on Instagram that share exactly how it works. You can actually get many uses out of this strategy by showing your product in different environments and being used by different people. Tutorials can show users how to:
- Pick the right product
- Buy the product and complete the checkout process online
- Use a promotional offer code
- Set up or assemble the product
- Use and care for the product
- Solve basic issues
Instagram allows text overlays in simple language to help emphasize the important points of your tutorial.
What is a product drop? It’s a product launch for a limited time and usually in limited quantities. If you’re new to this marketing tactic, you’ll be pleased to know that Instagram is all about the product drop. Many brands have sold out of their products in minutes, depending on the buzz they were able to create beforehand.
Product drop social media posts can happen before the launch, where you tease just some of the information about a product. Maybe you share the product category, photo or what inspired it. Add some “countdown” videos for your Instagram Stories and Reels to help build excitement. At the moment of the drop, post an announcement letting shoppers know you are ready for business!
Post Community Involvement Photos
If you think it’s bragging to share how you’re helping others on Instagram, think again. Google recently shared that 82% of shoppers[2] want to buy from brands that share their values, and they are not afraid to part ways with a brand that doesn’t. One way to show what you truly value is through your relationships with the community. By sharing photos and videos of your philanthropic efforts on social media, you can show what’s important to you and spotlight worthy nonprofits and organizations your clients may want to support.
Spend a day volunteering and share the experience online using Instagram. Repost from the partners you value most. However, you connect with the community, giving clients a glimpse into that relationship can boost engagement and show them what you’re all about.
Do Before/After Reveal Posts
DIY is a big part of Instagram life, with makeup, recipes, and home improvement projects dominating social media content feeds. If you have a product that fits into these niches, a simple before and after post can keep users coming back for more.
These don’t have to be elaborate. In fact, the more attainable the results, the better. Clients want to know that they, too, can get “the look” without having to hire a professional. From showing them new paint on a Fort Wayne home to doing a Notre Dame Football fan makeover reveal, the more innovative your ideas, the more dramatic the results will be.
The Best Way to Create Business Posts on Instagram for your Business
Instagram trends change so quickly that it’s hard to keep track of them all. Instead of trying to jump on the next one, take some time to truly understand what Instagram is all about. If you’re not a daily active user, become one before planning out any Instagram small business campaigns. After using it for some time, you’ll get ideas for what works. Try a few things you find personally engaging and that you think would be fun for you to create. Followers can tell if you’re truly enjoying yourself and will respond accordingly!
Need More Instagram Post Ideas for your Small Business?
Looking for additional small business tips? The team at Centier Bank is ready to assist with whatever you plan next. Contact us for financial guidance, read our blog, or follow us on Instagram for more information.
[1] - https://www.statista.com/topics/1882/instagram/
[2] -