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7 Examples of SMART Objectives for Students: Learn to Achieve Your Goals

April 22, 2024

Are you a student ready to kick your goals into high gear and make things happen? A great way to increase the odds of getting what you want is to use SMART targets. Whether you aim to improve your GPA, land that dream internship, or rock your finances, we have the scoop. Here, you’ll learn what SMART targets are and see examples of how to implement them. 

What is a SMART Goal? 

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART targets need to be clear, trackable, doable, relevant, and have a deadline. They’re also referred to as SMART goals. 

For more understanding, explore more about what each of the terms means:

  • Specific means that your target should be clear and well-defined. It answers the questions of who, what, where, when, and why when applicable. 
  • Measurable implies that your goal should include criteria to gauge progress and success. This allows you to track your advancement toward the goal and know when you've achieved it. 
  • Achievable refers to the fact that your target should be realistic and attainable. While it's good to aim high, setting unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and disappointment. 
  • Relevant means that your goal should align with your overall life aspirations, contribute to your growth, and be meaningful to you. 
  • Time-bound tells you that your target should have a deadline or timeframe for completion. Setting a specific time frame creates a sense of urgency. 

By following this frame work, you can set clear, actionable goals that increase your chances of success. Think of a SMART target as a way to make sure you're on the right track for a brighter future.

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How Do SMART Objectives Help You?

Each factor in a SMART target sets you up for success. 

First, by being specific, you get a clear understanding of what you're trying to achieve. Moreover, measurable targets are quantifiable. This means they involve numbers or tangible indicators. With hard numbers, you know if you’re on track.


Next, you consider your resources, time, and abilities when setting a SMART target. This helps you ensure it's within reach (achievable). 

And, by staying relevant, you avoid goals that don't align with your: 

  • Values
  • Interests
  • Long-term aspirations

When a goal aligns with your wants, you’re naturally more motivated to stick with it.   

Finally, with time-bound goals, the sense of urgency helps you stay focused and motivated. It also enables you to properly plan and allocate your resources.

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SMART Target Examples for School Students

Explore some of the most common goals for students and see examples of SMART targets for each. Then, you can personalize them to get where you want to go in life. 

1. Boost Your GPA

Got your sights set on raising your grades? Instead of a vague "get better grades" goal, make it SMART. A good general example is, "Raise my math class grade from a C to a B by the end of the semester." 

Plus, you can take it even further to stay on academic track. 

Break this one down into smaller steps: 

  • “Spend an extra hour on math homework every weekday.” 
  • “Attend calculus study groups twice a week.” 

With a clear plan, you'll be acing those tests in no time!

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2. Secure a Summer Work Internship

Ready to dip your toes into the real world? Set a SMART target to snag that dream internship. Whether it's in marketing, engineering, or something totally different, get specific about what you want. 

You might want to “Send out five internship applications every week.” And, you could ”Network with professionals in [your field] to make three new connections at [target company] each month.” 

With persistence and a solid plan, you'll land that gig in no time! Check out Centier Internships and Openings.

Recommended: SMART Goals for Career Development Examples 

3. Get Into a Program After Undergrad Studies

Thinking ahead to life after undergrad? Set a SMART target to pave the way for your future. Whether it's grad school or a certification program, get specific.

Some examples could be: 

  • “Research and apply to four ideal programs by the end of the 2024 school year.” 
  • “Connect with ten new professionals from [your desired program] on LinkedIn.” 

With a clear plan and determination, you'll be well on your way to achieving your post-undergrad dreams!

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4. Manage Your Time Wisely

Feeling overwhelmed with all those assignments and extracurriculars? Don’t just aim to manage time – make it smarter. 

Set a SMART target like "Spend one hour each evening on homework." Or try "Limit social media to 30 minutes a day during the week." 

By managing your time effectively, you'll crush that to-do list and still have time for fun.

5. Save Up for a Spring Break Trip

Got your eye on a beach getaway with friends? Set a SMART target to make it happen. Instead of just saying, "Save money," try "Put aside $100 from each paycheck for the next three months for a spring break trip." 

By setting a specific amount and timeframe, you'll be soaking up the sun before you know it!

Recommended: 9 Easy Ways to Save More Money 

6. Learn a New Skill

Want to impress your friends with your mad guitar skills? Break it down into smaller manageable SMART targets, like: 

  • "Practice guitar for 30 minutes every day."
  • "Sign up for beginner guitar lessons by the end of the semester." 

With dedication and a clear plan, you'll be strumming your favorite tunes sooner than you think!

7. Improve Your Health and Fitness

Ready to get in shape and feel great? Instead of a vague "exercise more" goal, try a SMART target. Try setting a goal like "Go for a 30-minute run three times a week." In addition, you might want to "Cook at least three healthy meals at home each week." 

By setting specific exercise and nutrition targets, you'll be on your way to a healthier, happier you!

Recommended: What is a Health Savings Account (HSA)? 

Enlist Centier to Help You Reach Your Financial Goals

Congratulations, goal-getter – you're on your way to achieving greatness! With SMART targets in your arsenal, there's no limit to what you can accomplish. 

So go ahead, set those goals, and watch as your dreams become reality. Remember, the journey may have its challenges. But, with determination and a clear plan, you'll be unstoppable. Here's to your success!

Need help managing your finances? Take control and build a bright financial future with Centier Bank's money management tools.