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Financial Goals for Your 30s: Build a Bright Financial Future

September 27, 2023

man on computer making financial goals

Entering your 30s is a major milestone. You might be settling into your career, perhaps starting a family, and generally seeking more financial stability. Now is an excellent time to set a new set of financial goals that align with your life circumstances beyond the goals you set in your 20s. 

Here, we'll explore why setting relevant financial goals for your 30s is important and provide a list of goals tailored to consider.

woman with a computer, calculator, and money creating financial goals


Why Should You Set New Financial Goals in Your 30s?

Your 30s are the canvas upon which you paint the picture of your financial journey. This is a critical period for financial planning, and here's why it holds unparalleled significance.

Firstly, as the weight of adulthood's responsibilities settles in, having a well-defined financial roadmap becomes not just a preference but a necessity. Secondly, you're still in the sweet spot of life where long-term investments, like retirement accounts and real estate, can yield substantial benefits. Finally, life's unexpected events can unfurl at any moment, and being financially prepared serves as your most robust defense.

Crafting crystal-clear financial goals during this transformative decade empowers you to make well-informed decisions, nurture sound financial habits, and gracefully adapt to life’s twists and turns. 

Whether you're crossing the sprawling farmlands of Indiana's heartland or immersing yourself in the grandeur of a 500-mile race, financial goals provide you with a sense of purpose. More importantly, they liberate you to enjoy life without the looming shadow of financial stress.


woman with cash in hand


What Are Good Financial Goals?

When you think of outstanding financial goals, remember the word SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

  • SMART goals cover every part of your money life, like:
  • Savings: Making a clear plan to save more money. 
  • Debt Control: Handling and reducing debt. 
  • Lifestyle: Making money choices that match your life goals.

Before we get into which goals to set, let's talk about the big picture. In your 30s, your money dreams might involve starting new ventures, opening savings accounts, or just enjoying the warm charm of Indiana's corn country. However, it's important to remember not to trade your future plans for things you want right now.

Great financial goals are the ones that help build a strong financial future while still letting you enjoy the things you love today.

Financial Goals You Should Set in Your 30s

In your 30s, it's a prime time to chart your financial course. Below are some key goals that can set you on the right path.

1. Break Free From High-Interest Debt

Tackling high-interest debt is crucial because it's like a financial anchor holding you back. High-interest debt can quickly accumulate, making it challenging to save, invest, or plan for your future. It's essential to eliminate it to regain financial freedom and peace of mind.

Here are five steps to pay off debt fast

  1. Commit to being debt-free. 
  2. Control your spending. 
  3. Set a repayment strategy. 
  4. Pay extra when possible. 
  5. Use our debt consolidation calculator to see how you can consolidate debt. 

Celebrate debt freedom!

Consider consolidating or transferring high-interest balances to lower-rate options if available. Cutting unnecessary expenses and increasing your income can accelerate your debt repayment journey.

Use our debt consolidation worksheet to calculate how much debt you have and set a plan to pay it off. 

2. Secure Your Own Home

Homeownership provides stability and can be a valuable long-term investment. Instead of spending money on rent, you're building equity in a property. As you pay your mortgage, you're planting the seeds for future financial growth. 

Plus, owning a home also offers a sense of security and a place to call your own.

When you’re ready to get serious about home ownership, here’s what to do: 

  • Consult a mortgage advisor to assess affordability and costs.
  • Check your credit and maintain a good credit score throughout the process.
  • Open a dedicated account to save for a down payment and explore assistance programs.
  • Work with an agent to find available houses, set priorities, and compare properties.
  • Make an offer on a home that meets your needs. 

If you have equity in your home, did you know you can use the value of your home for a vacation or remodel? Let us show you how to leverage your home’s established equity and explore Centier Bank’s home loan options today.

3. Save for Your Child's Education

One of the top savings goals in your 30s might involve setting your child(ren) up for an education. This ensures your kids have access to quality opportunities without being burdened by student loans. Indiana is home to renowned universities like Purdue and Indiana University, making higher education a valuable investment. 

By starting early, you can ease the financial burden and provide your child with a bright future. Open a dedicated college savings account, for educational expenses. Set up automatic deposits to this account so you consistently save over time. 

Research scholarships, grants, and financial aid options to maximize your child's educational funding opportunities. ScholarTrack is a priceless resource for financial aid in Indiana. 

4. Participate in Events and Activities

Indiana's vibrant culture offers a plethora of experiences, from the Indy 500 to the charm of corn country. Allocating a budget for local events allows you to enjoy life's pleasures without sacrificing your financial goals. It's about finding a balance between financial responsibility and enjoying the best of both worlds.

Create a budget with a separate category for entertainment and local events. Determine how much you can comfortably allocate to this category without compromising your essential financial goals. Prioritize events and activities that align with your interests and values, ensuring that you can enjoy them guilt-free while staying on track with your financial plan.

Final Thoughts on Savings Goals in Your 30s

Your 30s are a pivotal decade for financial planning, and doing so with Indiana's unique opportunities and challenges in mind can set you up for success. Start by setting SMART financial goals, such as homeownership, education savings, retirement planning, and an emergency fund. Remember to enjoy life along the way by participating in local events and activities. With Centier Bank's expert guidance, you can navigate your financial journey with confidence.

Ready to take the first step toward financial success in Indiana? Explore Centier Bank's Money Management options, and let us help you turn your financial dreams into reality amidst Indiana's unique culture and charm.